Dear parents,
Well, we almost made it. I had hoped dearly that we would be able to have the entire semester on campus, a feat that we haven’t been able to achieve since semester 1 of 2019-2020. I had really wished that the pandemic was easing off, that the time after COVID was just around the corner, and that soon we would be able to concentrate solely on learning. I know that time is coming. I know that in the same way that I know that eventually it will be cold outside in Zambia. By this I mean that I understand this in an abstract and somewhat artificial way. This WILL happen, even though it doesn’t FEEL like it will happen. And this is the thing right? The thing that blocks our brains and keeps us from acting on inevitabilities that are too far off and abstract to connect with us on a visceral or emotional level. This is why people put off saving for their kid’s college fund, or making a will. Those things are inevitable, but pretty abstract…until they are not. We have to know that sooner rather than later this will be done, and it can be done without too much more pain, but only if we do what we need to do. That is why we have to be disciplined. We have to do our parts in making this thing a temporary footnote in history. We have to wear masks when we are out in public. We may even have to avoid people more than we would like. The holiday season always means spending time with friends and family. That’s great, but please, let’s all be smart about this thing. Be safe, be well, and have a very happy holiday season. If you were unable to attend last week’s Choir concert you can check it out HERE. Thanks to you all. Have a great break! Dr. Rick Odum Comments are closed.
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