Dear Parents,
Like you, the Board of Directors and School Director have been carefully monitoring the spread of COVID-19 around the world. We have been in regular contact with the local health authorities and the U.S. Embassy. Although there are currently no confirmed cases in Zambia, we believe that it is only a matter of time before the first cases are detected. Therefore, in the interest of the safety of the school community, the Board of Directors has decided that the campus will close to students and parents at noon on Wednesday 18 March until Tuesday, 28 April. This timeline will be evaluated over time and any changes will be communicated well in advance. This decision was made in light of the declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. We believe that we have a social responsibility to our community and the people of Zambia to do our part to slow the global spread of COVID-19. During this campus closure, we strongly encourage all AISL community members to take measures to protect themselves and others from the risk of infection. Although the campus will be closed, school will still be in session. The Principals, Darlene Huson and Ty Smeins, will share more information about our distance learning programs on Wednesday, 18 March. As always, we are committed to providing a rich, meaningful, and engaging learning experience that meets the essential learning goals for each course and grade level. Distance learning will be most successful when families work with us in a spirit of partnership and flexibility. Despite our significant preparations, we anticipate that there will still be some challenges. If you encounter problems, AISL staff will be ready to help. The principals will clarify that process later this week. Since Wednesday will be their last day on campus, it is important that students take home all necessary books and other learning materials. Like the secondary school students, Kindergarten through Grade 5 students will be allowed to take home their school iPad and charger to support their learning during this period. We encourage you to also take advantage of the library’s vacation checkout policy to stock up on good books to read during this time period. There will be no public events nor school trips during this period of campus closure. Regrettably, this means we have postponed the Zambian Model United Nations conference, the upcoming Jazz Concert, and the Grade 4 Explore Zambia trip to Siavonga. We will strive to reschedule these events after we return to normal operations. We will continue to communicate on a regular basis as this situation develops. You may wish to explore the COVID-19 Information page on our website. There are several good resources there including some guidance about how to talk about COVID-19 with your children. We plan to use this page as a focal point for announcements and community resources. Naturally, we will continue with email communications as well. Thank you for your patience, flexibility, and support during these trying times. Take care of yourselves and each other! Sarah Crites, Board Chair On behalf of the Board of Directors Comments are closed.
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