Gr7 leadership of outreach and awareness activitiesG7 students are busy preparing for the 10 Feb assembly where they will showcase their outreach project for the Rangers of the South Luangwa Conservation, talk about the gardening activity they did, highlight the AISL efforts for Black History Month, and advertise the Comic Con 2022 dress up day happening at school. Black History Month Reading MaterialUnfortunately our library remains closed to parents so we can't welcome you into the building. However, we would love for you to check out some of our Black History Month books as we do have a fairly wide selection of both African and Black American authors and stories. Please email Kim ([email protected]) or Lunyunge ([email protected]) to request a book either by title or author (using our online catalog to search for books in our collection) or description (example - something dealing with the civil rights movement or racism). We will treat your email like the book request form so if you send the request by Thursday at 9 am, you can pick the book up at the secondary gate on Friday morning.
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