Dear AISL Community,
Thank you all so very much for your wonderful support in getting library materials back to us for our annual inventory and for taking care of bills for lost items. This allows us to take stock of our collection, weed items in poor condition, and identify gaps where replacement items are needed. Book checkouts will resume Monday 31 May! Patrons may have up to five items out at a time. We can't wait to help our patrons make their "holiday stacks" for vacation reading. Any books checked out beginning Monday 31 May will have a return date of 9 August (the first day of school). Note that you may return books any time after school closes by dropping them with the guards at the secondary entrance gate (where secondary students normally enter campus). Book Requests Over the Break Please use THIS Google Form to request books during the long break (the form is also on our website and virtual library). We will offer two opportunities to request books during the long break as follows: Thursday July 1: Requests due by 09:00 Friday July 2: Book pick-ups along the main drop-off loop from 09:00-18:00 Thursday July 22: Requests due by 09:00 Friday July 23: Book pick-ups along the main drop-off loop from 09:00-18:00 Audio Books Audiosync Audiosync is back with their annual free audiobook downloads each week (see image below for upcoming titles). The books are geared toward a YA (young adult- roughly ages 13 or 14 and up) audience and are paired thematically. There are two main steps: 1. One will need to visit the site and register 2. The app for downloading the books is called SORA (it's the student version of Overdrive), which needs to be installed on the device that will be used. Once you download the books, they are yours to keep! The catch, though, is that you cannot go back and download books from previous weeks. This week's pairing is fantastic! One of the selections is Of Beetles and Angels by Mawi Asgedom, the story of a Mawi's own journey from a refugee camp in Sudan to a full-ride scholarship to Harvard. Tales2Go Tales2Go is an incredible collection of more than 6,000 audio books for children all the way through young adults and is one of our AISL Library subscription services for the community. The app works best (though you can use Desktop) and you can save bookmarks across two devices. There are also French and Spanish offerings among the titles. Each student has a unique log-in ID based on this format: graduation year + first initial + last name (example: 2026jsmith). The password is zambia. For more information on how to log in, here is Ms. Maguire's video tutorial on Tales2Go. Although you do not download audio books, you can load a segment at a time on any device and each segment is about 1-2 hours long. To load the next segment for off-line listening you would simply need to use some data or connect to wifi briefly. As always, if any member of our library team may help provide recommendations for anyone in your family, please let us know! Comments are closed.
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