Welcome to the second semester of new and ongoing exciting PYP inquiries at AISL! This semester sees the Early Learning Centre, Kindergarten and Grade 1 classes explore the natural environment further in the 'Sharing the planet' unit of inquiries. Grade 2 and Grade 5 focus their attention on expression in multiple formats in the 'How we express ourselves' units, while Grade 3 takes a deep dive into organisational systems in cities and Grade 4 look more broadly at how explorers have impacted the world. These units have elements of both teacher-guided and student-led inquiries. Each unit provides an avenue for students to build the knowledge, skills, and approaches to learning which culminate in the Grade 5 Exhibition. The 2022 Grade 5 Exhibition staging will be held during the week of 25 April. To begin this process, students have already created, with teacher guidance, a central idea to drive their personal inquiries and have identified interest areas which they would like to explore further. During February, the Grade 5 students will take a lead on their exhibition, identifying lines of inquiry and possible actions that they might take. The AISL community is excited to see their progress over the semester. The Exhibition: Culminating Learning Experiences. (2022). www.ibo.org. https://resources.ibo.org/pyp/works Comments are closed.
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