Secondary Library News: AudioSync Free Books, MS Book Club, Book Requests, & #BookLove Libguide29/4/2020
Our middle school students had the chance to vote on a book for our MS Virtual Book Club. Their selection is Bloom by Kenneth Oppel. Students will need to procure the book however works best for them (Apple Books / Kindle / Print). We will have our on-line discussion on Tuesday 26 May, time to be determined. This week AudioSync begins its annual FREE YA (Young Adult) book download program. Every week, two new titles are available and can be downloaded using the Sora app (student version of Overdrive). The app is already on iPads for students in Grades 8 & 9. Grades 10 and up can use their laptops or can put the app on their phones. This week's downloads are The 57 Bus by Dashka Slater (non-fiction) & Monday's Not Coming by Tiffany Jackson (mystery). Both are great reads! Note that you are NOT able to go back and download books from previous weeks that you might have missed. This program runs through July 29th. The line-up of books is excellent! Please remember that we ARE circulating books weekly. Please fill out this Google Form by Wednesday each week and collect your books on Friday. You may specify on the form if you'd like multiple books of the same genre. You may also leave books with our guard post at the secondary entrance. We are so happy to see how many families are taking advantage of this service! Note that ALL books are left in quarantine for 72 hours, then cleaned before going back out. This form is also posted on the MS & HS virtual libraries and will shortly be posted on the library page of the school website, too. If you are looking for other distance learning resources in the form of book recs, audio books, podcasts, writing with authors, drawing with authors, and more, don't forget that we update the #BookLove Libguide regularly (password is the same as for parent portal- just ask your son or daughter for it if you need it!). And, as always, let us know if you have other ideas for how we can support your family during this time! Stay safe, stay well, and keep reading! Comments are closed.
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