AISL Secondary Drama Department is proud to present the play "Squirrel Girl Goes to College" by Karen Zacarias. The show is based on a Marvel Comics superhero, Squirrel Girl, who is attempting to deny her superpowers and live a regular college life. Unfortunately her arch nemesis, Dr. Doom, is lurking around. When one of her professors vanishes and is replaced by the sinister M.O.D.O.C. Squirrel Girl must decide if she will show her true identity in order to protect her friends. Performances will be live on Thursday, 24 March at 5:30pm and Friday, 25 March at 7pm. Both will be performed live in the PAC for 50 audience members each night (parents of cast and crew members will receive the first opportunity to sign up for the audience-slots and after that the sign ups will open to AISL students). We will be live streaming both performances as well. Here are the links to the livestream: Thursday (day 1) - Friday (day 2) - A video of the play will become available the week of 28 March. Comments are closed.
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