We are so excited that we can start to have some events starting this month. The first event will be a quiz to be held on Wednesday 11th Nov at the Pavilion. Start time is 18:30. Due to COVID restrictions we can only have teams of 4. There will be an entrance fee of Kw100 per team and 50% of the entrance fee will go to the team that wins the other 50% will be collected for a local charity still to be decided. Please bring your own food and drink as there will be an intermission and Russ has suggested the school can make the braais available if anyone wants to cook. Please see the sign in link below and unfortunately we are limited to 50 people so first come first served: Please Click Here Comments are closed.
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The Leopard's Tale is our main medium to keep our families informed on such things as the day to day happenings on campus, after school activities, summaries of any arts and sports events, helpful resources, and important dates and reminders.
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