Dear Parents, It has been twelve and a half weeks since we welcomed back students to the AISL campus and we continue to have a safe and engaging learning environment for all students. It’s hard not to be amazed at the journey that has brought us to this point. I know that sometimes I can belabor the point, but your children, and our teachers have done, and are continuing to do, an amazing job keeping us all safe. As our structures become more ingrained in our behavior, we continue to take small steps towards normal operations; and while masks and distancing will remain a part of our daily practice for the near future, events such as the PTA trivia night, the MS movie night and the HS coffeehouse, continue to give us a glimpse into a world where we can all be together again, a world that will happen as long as we continue to make smart decisions. This week I was reading a report by the Brookings institution on the future of global education systems post-COVID, and I was struck by a line in the piece: “It is hard to imagine there will be another moment in history when the central role of schooling in the economic, social, and political prosperity and stability of nations is so obvious and well understood by the general population” (Vegas and Winthrop) What strikes me about this is that it really places the work we are doing here at AISL in perspective. We are a small part of a larger educational ecosystem, an ecosystem whose role is the preparation of the next generation of global leaders. That is why it is so essential that we get this moment right, and why I am so proud to be a part of a school community who understands this, and is committed to doing all the small and unpleasant things required to keep our kids in the school, and to continue their development into the leaders we know they can be in the future. 2021-2022 AISL Merit Scholarship - Launching This Week!The American International School of Lusaka has been awarding merit-based scholarships to attend the high school each year since August 2013. To date we have enrolled sixteen Zambian students into the scholarship program and the school, eight are current students and eight have graduated. Our most recent graduate, from the Class of 2020, is taking a gap year volunteering in the Zambian healthcare system. The other seven graduates are attending universities. Graduates from the Class of 2016
More information, eligibility, how to apply, and the scholarship brochure and application forms are available on the school website: Please feel free to send this information to people within the local community who you consider may benefit from becoming an AISL Merit-Scholar, and encourage them to register to attend our Scholarship Program Virtual Open Day, which will take place on Wednesday 16 December from 10:00hrs. The AISL Merit-Scholar Selection Committee - [email protected] Works Cited: Vegas, Emiliana, and Rebecca Winthrop. “Global Education: How to Transform School Systems?” Brookings, Brookings, 17 Nov. 2020, Communication We know that this can be a time filled with uncertainties, so please understand that our highest priority is the health and well-being of your children. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected] and [email protected]. Kind regards, Dr. Rick Odum, Secondary Principal Dr. Sheila Seiler, Secondary Assistant Principal Comments are closed.
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