Dear Parents
Welcome to Session 2 After School Activities , we are glad to have you all back this term! AISL is happy to offer some exciting activities for this term. We hope you & your children will enjoy them. We have decided to start with a conservative ASA program for Session 2 and as a result the number of spaces in ASA's will be very limited . We will continue to monitor the health situation with our school health and safety protocols , and hopefully in the future we will be able to add more activities and or spaces for our students . Primary Sign Up Once you sign into MyCHQ for this term , you will notice a few changes with the sign up procedure .For example a student in 5th grade will be given Activity options with class names e.g 5SD Basketball , 5NC Basketball. Kindly ensure that your child is signed up according to their class. If your child is in G5NC , then your child can only sign up for activities with 5NC. Safely protocol:
Here are a few important deadlines for Session 2 ASA's :
The website used to sign up for ASA's is Here is a quick on on how to sign up for ASA's : Comments are closed.
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The Leopard's Tale is our main medium to keep our families informed on such things as the day to day happenings on campus, after school activities, summaries of any arts and sports events, helpful resources, and important dates and reminders.
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