As teachers and students begin a new semester in an academic year full of many uncertainties, we can all reflect on our experiences of 2020 and realize that academics are certainly not the most important part of our lives. The relationships we form with others, our physical and mental health, our beliefs and our values - all of these contribute to our well-being and sense of self. AISL's Personal and Social Education (PSE) curriculum aims to complement our academic program with lessons on a variety of important topics, including, for our older students, sessions on sexual education. These sessions are led by Advisors, Counselors, or subject teachers, as appropriate. Honoring the diversity of our community, we provide parents with the date and topics in advance. Because of scheduling disruptions due to COVID-19, this year we are grouping similar topics together for a combined total of six Grade 12 PSE lessons, as follows: 1. Love, Marriage, and Lifetime Commitments (led by Advisor Florence Bouillot)
All parents can review the lesson topics in more detail in the PSE Parent Handbook. If any parents would prefer that their child not attend a PSE lesson, they are welcome to email [email protected] to exempt their child from attending. Whether or not your child is attending a PSE lesson, we do encourage all families to discuss these important issues with your children at home. Comments are closed.
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The Leopard's Tale is our main medium to keep our families informed on such things as the day to day happenings on campus, after school activities, summaries of any arts and sports events, helpful resources, and important dates and reminders.
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