Take a Brain Break with a Hi/Lo BookWe have a new display featuring our Secondary Hi/Lo collection of books. These are high interest, low commitment books because they are short and easy to read but geared to the interest level of G8-G12. There are many genres (mysteries, thrillers, romances, drama, fantasy, realistic fiction) all mixed together in this collection. So if you are short on time but need a good brain break, please come check out one of these Hi/Lo books today. Welcome to the Secondary Library - virtually or in person!We hope to welcome everyone back to the library in person during our regular library hours if the government opens schools on 12 February. In the meantime, we have 2 ways to access our secondary library. Virtually: Check this online catalog link for a book you want and write to Ms. Kim ([email protected]) and she will check it out for you and leave it at the secondary gate office for you to pick up anytime. In Person: Stop by the library Monday to Thursday between 8:00-15:00 or on Friday from 8:00-14:00 and you can quickly check out books and then leave the campus. You may not stay to study or hang out in the library unfortunately unless you are a G11 or G12 student. A DP Film student using the library whiteboards to plot out the next Hollywood Blockbuster.Identity and Sexuality Talks in G9 UbuntuPlease be advised that the new G9 Ubuntu unit will be about Identity and Sexuality. It will start in February as soon as we return to in person learning. The G9 advisors will be leading most of the sessions on Identity and our counselor, Driekie Smith, will be leading most of the sessions about Sexuality. If you have any questions about the lessons or the curriculum content, please write to Kim Shumlansky ([email protected]) who is the G9/10 team leader. If you would like your child to be excused from these lessons, please also write to Kim.
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