As we embark on ‘distance learning’, we aim to make this learning experience to be as intentional and authentic as possible. Our teachers have worked hard to develop a balanced learning experience for our AISL students with a range of online and offline activities encompassing all areas of the AISL curriculum. We understand that there will be challenges with internet connection, power outages, and other factors that may affect student learning but we hope that, with a strong school-family partnership, this could be overcome.
Role of Parents/Guardians Your role, as a parent/guardian, is to guide and encourage students, access the activities, and be the link between the child and the teacher, especially for our younger learners. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the support network mentioned below as we are more than happy to help. We ask parents/guardian for the following support:
Provide students with:
How can my child access the main learning platform (Seesaw) in Primary School? Parents currently access Seesaw through the ‘Family’ app - this is where you, as a parent, get notifications regarding announcements, newsletters and posts by students. You are able to comment and ‘like’ your child’s posts through the ‘Family’ app. The Seesaw ‘Class’ app is how students access seesaw. It is already on their school device (KG-G5) but would need to be downloaded for a device at home, particularly for ELC. This app is where teachers set work for and communicate with students. Students (KG-G5) know how to use this app. ELC students will need support from a family member/guardian. What to expect from the start of the campus closure: Homeroom teachers will provide a series of learning engagements for students to choose from for Thursday and Friday, 19-20 March should students wish to. These will be optional. Beginning on Monday, the formal distance learning program will begin which will include weekly modules for each week that school is ‘in session’. The weekly modules will include learning connected to the homeroom subjects (literacy, math, unit of inquiry) and all specialist subjects. The modules will include a balance of learning experiences for ‘on-screen’ and ‘off-screen’ learning with the expectation that students can self-pace over the course of the week. We want students to feel balanced during their day so please find ways to build in breaks for eating, playing, exercise, and time dedicated to hobbies. Who can help? Step 1: Message your child's classroom teacher or specialist teacher if you or your child has questions and/or if your child needs extra help and support. It is not expected that parents/guardians have the knowledge of teaching strategies so please ask if you need clarification on any of the activities posted. Step 2: Reach out to the following people to support you further
Engaging in the distance learning program All students are expected to participate in the distance learning program and attendance will be noted through the regularity of student engagement. This may include a simple question prompt at the beginning of each school day that students answer as they are able to get online. For exceptional circumstances or illness, parents of students who are unable to participate should inform the school ([email protected]) and their child’s homeroom teacher so that we are aware of the situation. Expectations for using school devices off campus Please remind your child about using their school device responsibly during the distance learning program. It is a tool for learning and the means to connect with teachers. Attached is the Acceptable Use Policy pertaining to using their school devices. Please review the expectations with your child according to their grade level. Lower Primary Acceptable Use Policy KG-G2 I will use my iPad in ways that are appropriate, meet AISL expectations and are educational. I will use my iPad in a place or position that is easily monitored by adults. I will never run with my iPad in my hands. I will not walk and use my iPad. I will take good care of my iPad. I will protect my iPad by only carrying it with two hands while in the case provided. I will not take my iPad outside when it rains and will bring it inside when it starts raining. I will keep food and beverages away from my iPad since they may cause damage to the device. I will be responsible for all damage or loss caused by neglect or abuse. Upper Primary Acceptable Use Policy G3-G5 (in addition to the expectations above, G3-5 also have the following) I will use appropriate language when using emails, Seesaw or any other forms of communication. I will be kind and principled when communicating with others using my iPad. I understand that my iPad is subject to inspection at any time without notice and remains the property of the AISL. I will never leave the iPad unattended and I will know where it is at all times. I will not let anyone else use my iPad unless my teacher asks me to share or do group work. I will make sure that my iPad gets plugged in to charge every day before I leave school. I will not disassemble any part of my iPad or attempt any repairs. I will not place decorations (such as stickers, markers, etc.) on the iPad or iPad cover or do anything to permanently alter the iPad in any way. I will not change the background of my iPad unless my teacher asks me to change the background. I will not set a password for the iPad. I will not use Airdrop unless my teacher has asked me to. I will not remove or deface the serial number or other identification on any iPad. I will report any problems, damage or breakage immediately. We will provide weekly reflections and updates as we embark on this journey together. Regards, Darlene Huson Primary Principal Comments are closed.
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