Dear parents, We are continuing to meet the needs of our Path 1, 2, and 3 students through offering engaging, academically rigorous learning experiences for our students. With three weeks of school under our belt, our students are well into their first units of the year for each class. They have settled into a routine during the day as well as with home learning. And as you can see from the post from our Activities Department, we’re about to launch our After School Activities (ASAs) so that we can support our students’ non-academic needs. Grade 11 students celebrated the start of the Diploma Programme (DP) by joining us for an online “First Supper” on Wednesday 26 August. The purpose of the Grade 11 First Supper each year is to honor the academic challenges that the new group of DP students are undertaking during the two-year Diploma Programme. The students had a great time hanging out with their classmates and teachers for this online gathering. It was fun to keep this AISL tradition, even if online. Save the Date!We host three to six Parent Information Sessions each month in the Secondary School. The purpose of these sessions is to support our parents in understanding our school, what their children are learning, and how to support their children. If you have ideas about Parent Information Sessions that you or others would like to attend, please let our Assistant Principal, Dr. Sheila Seiler, know by writing her at [email protected]. We would love your feedback on what workshops our parents are interested in. Upcoming Parent Information Sessions: Tuesday 1 September 18:00-19:00 - Introduction to the Middle Years Programme (MYP) This Parent Information Session is for Secondary families new to the MYP and anyone who would like a refresher. The session will be an introduction/review of the written, taught, and assessed curriculum as part of the Middle Years Programme. Our MYP Coordinator, Ingrid Turner, will host this information session. Parents can join by clicking this link. Tuesday 8 September 18:00-19:00 - Managing Anxiety and Building Mental Wellness Our counselor, Driekie Smith, will share information about how parents can support children who may feel anxious during this turbulent time. She will support parents in learning different strategies to develop mental wellness in their children. Parents will also have the chance to share with each other what has been working and what has been challenging so that we can all support each other. Parents can join by clicking this link. In case you missed it. . . .Meet the Advisors If you missed the Meet the Advisors session this past Tuesday 25 August, but would still like to learn more about your child’s grade level or get to know their advisor, you can reach out to your child’s advisor directly for more information. Introduction to the Diploma Programme (DP) Our College Counselor and our DP Coordinator hosted a session that gave an overview of what to expect for Grade 11 and Grade 12. Here's the recording of the meeting and here's a PDF version of the slideshow. The students also learned about the DP Assessment Calendar, which affects second semester Grade 11 students and all Grade 12 students. This calendar helps students manage their time and spreads out DP assessments as much as possible so that students aren't overburdened by multiple Internal Assessments (IAs) being due on the same day. General AnnouncementsAs our parents of students in Grades 7, 9, and 12 know from Dr. Odum’s letter home, students who receive three warnings about social distancing or mask wearing will need to picked up by their parents and learn via distance learning for three days. The procedure is not meant to be punitive, but is meant to support students in understanding that social distancing and mask wearing are important responsibilities to everyone in our community.
Some Grade 7, 9, and 12 students have requested to bring their own personal balls for independent practice of basketball or football drills. They are welcome to do so. The students should stay far away from others and should continue wearing their masks, even if they are alone on the field. Our school will continue providing ping pong, badminton, and other forms of recreation that students can engage in during breaks while remaining socially distant. Parents or drivers can collect students’ textbooks, music instruments, and other resources on the walkway in the new parking lot at the school on Friday 28 August 10:00-18:00. The materials will be labeled with your child’s name and you will need to sign for them. Your child’s teachers will let you or your child know if any items need collecting. Laptops and iPads can be collected from the IT office anytime with an appointment; to make an appointment, email [email protected]. Feedback and communication Thank you to those of you who responded to our Open Night survey last week to tell us what was helpful and what we can improve. We appreciate your supporting us in ensuring that AISL is a place where your child thrives. Please contact us with any questions or feedback you might have. Thank you for all your support at home. Kind regards, Dr. Rick Odum, Secondary Principal Dr. Sheila Seiler, Secondary Assistant Principal Comments are closed.
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The Leopard's Tale is our main medium to keep our families informed on such things as the day to day happenings on campus, after school activities, summaries of any arts and sports events, helpful resources, and important dates and reminders.
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