The Secondary School continues to ensure that every student thrives by now offering Path 1, 2, and 3 options for our Grades 7, 9, and 12 students, and Paths 2 and 3 for our Grade 6, 8, 10, and 12 students. We had our first students back on campus today and we want to celebrate edging further towards the “new normal.” Celebrating our successesOur Grade 7, 9, and 12 students learned this past week about how to prepare for on campus learning, what to expect, and all the things the school is doing to keep them safe. It was great to see them on campus today interacting with each other and teachers and taking the first steps for our school towards bringing everyone back on campus. We will open the opportunity to come on campus to more grade levels as soon as the Zambian government allows. Here are some images of what lessons looked like on campus today with students 1.5 meters apart from each other and wearing masks, Path 2 students live streaming in to join the lessons, and Path 3 students joining when they could. Parent Information SessionsWe have three Parent Information Sessions planned for next two weeks to support our Secondary families. And if you missed the Parent Information Evening this past week on Campus Reopening Procedures for Grades 7, 9, and 12, you can view the slideshow here; the slideshow has detailed information and images about what students can expect when they return to campus. Save the Dates!The upcoming Parent Information Sessions are: Tuesday 25 August 15:30-16:00 - Grade-Level/Advisory Information Session As we experienced technical difficulties that made it impossible for many of our parents to get into their child’s Advisory session on Open Night, we would like to offer parents another opportunity to learn about their child’s grade level and advisory lessons. Please join us at this link on Tuesday 25 August at 15:30 if you would still like to learn about your child’s grade level goals and meet your child’s advisor. Here is the schedule on the “Meet the Advisors” slideshow with all the links to the Google Meets rooms so you have it in advance. Grade 11-12 parents are asked to attend the “Introduction to the DP” Parent Information Session, which is hosted by your child’s advisors, the DP Coordinator, the College Counselor, and which contains information for parents of both Grade 11 and Grade 12 students. Tuesday 25 August 15:30-16:30 - Introduction to the Diploma Programme (DP) This Parent Information Session is for Secondary families new to the DP and anyone who would like a refresher. The session will be an introduction or review of the written, taught, and assessed curriculum as part of the Diploma Programme. Our DP Coordinator, Monica Murphy, and our High School/College Counselor, Julie Baldry, will host this information session. Parents can join by clicking this link. Tuesday 1 September 18:00-19:00 - Introduction to the Middle Years Programme (MYP) This Parent Information Session is for Secondary families new to the MYP and anyone who would like a refresher. The session will be an introduction/review of the written, taught, and assessed curriculum as part of the Middle Years Programme. Our MYP Coordinator, Ingrid Turner, will host this information session. Parents can join by clicking this link. Feedback and communicationThank you for helping us make sure that your child thrives at AISL. Your feedback and communication help us to make sure that your child is successful during distance learning. Please contact us with any questions or feedback you might have. Thank you for all your support at home.
Kind regards, Dr. Rick Odum, Secondary Principal Dr. Sheila Seiler, Secondary Assistant Principal Comments are closed.
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