Dear parents, We continue to support our Secondary students through engaging lessons, three learning paths, educational programs for parents, and special programs like student government and ASAs. Parent SurveyPlease let us know what is working well for your child and how we can continue to improve our school so that your child thrives by filling out this survey. We are asking parents to take a few minutes to fill out the survey for each of their children who attend our school. We will share general trends from the surveys, as well as what we are doing to make any improvements, via the Leopard’s Tale next week. Save the Date!We host three to six Parent Information Sessions each month to support our parents in learning about what their children are learning and how to support them at home. If you have ideas about Parent Information Sessions that you or others would like to attend, please let our Assistant Principal, Dr. Sheila Seiler, know by writing to her at [email protected]. Upcoming Parent Information Sessions: Tuesday 15 September 18:00-19:00 - Dyslexia be-Mystified: Exploring the Gifts and Hurdles of Learning Differently Our Director of Student Support Services, Chantra Reinman, will share this workshop with parents about dyslexia and learning differences. This workshop is targeted towards both Primary and Secondary families. Here is a summary of the workshop: In this presentation, the Director of Student Services K-12 will share and interpret research on the learning-different brain that challenges common perceptions and reveals the scientific basis of dyslexia. While many characterize dyslexia in negative terms, there are astounding possibilities wrapped up in the intricate folds of the dyslexic brain. Where would we be without the Thomas Edisons, Winston Churchills, and Richard Bransons of this world? Parents can join by clicking this link. Thursday 24 September - Grade 10 Personal Project This session is for Secondary parents of students new to Grade 10 and anyone who would like a refresher. The session will be an information session about the Personal Project. Our MYP Coordinator, Ingrid Turner, and Secondary librarian, Terry Maguire, will host this information session. Parents can join by clicking this link. CommunicationAs always, please keep communicating with us so we can continue to meet your child’s needs. Please reach out to us with any comments or feedback you have.
Kind regards, Dr. Rick Odum, Secondary Principal Dr. Sheila Seiler, Secondary Assistant Principal Comments are closed.
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The Leopard's Tale is our main medium to keep our families informed on such things as the day to day happenings on campus, after school activities, summaries of any arts and sports events, helpful resources, and important dates and reminders.
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