It’s a little more than two months since we’ve welcomed students back to campus and we continue to celebrate learning in an engaging and safe environment. As you know, this week we experienced this year’s first test of our response systems, as one of our parents tested positive for COVID-19. Fortunately, this parent is doing well and we wish them a speedy recovery. In terms of the effect on the wider school community, as Dr. Menard reported on Wednesday 28 October, this parent’s child tested negative and will be away from school for 14 days as per AISL policy. This situation reinforces the need for continued vigilance and adherence to the school’s protocols as explained in the Campus Reopening Procedures. We would like to personally applaud the community, including students, parents, teachers, and administrators, for their calm and rational response. As an AISL parent, as well as Secondary School Principal, the response of this community has solidified my conviction that this school will keep my children safe, in addition to providing a world-class educational experience. Zambia Day On Friday, 23 October, we marked our annual Zambia celebrations, and while they may have been more subdued than in past years for obvious reasons, everyone had a great time celebrating Zambia and Zambian culture. The Secondary campus was decorated with Zambian flags, and traditional Zambian patterns. Zambian music filled the air during arrival, dismissal and break times, and our students came to school in Zambian colors to honor our host nation. Additionally, Ms. Gutierrez’s choir blessed us with a magnificent rendition of the Zambian national anthem during Advisory. A very big thanks to everyone who helped contribute to the festivities, and particularly to our students whose sartorial homage to Zambia was the highlight of the day Upcoming Parent Information SessionsUpcoming Parent Information Sessions: We host three to six Parent Information Sessions each month to support our parents in understanding what their children are learning and how to support them at home. If you have ideas about Parent Information Sessions that you or others would like to attend, please let our Assistant Principal, Dr. Sheila Seiler, know by writing to her at [email protected]. Thursday 29 October 17:00-18:00 - Grade 8 Passion Project This Parent Session is for parents of Grade 8 students and anyone else who might be interested in learning about the Grade 8 Passion Project, which launched this year through the Advisory program. The session will be an information session about the MYP Community Project and how our school has adapted it, in part because of COVID, to the Passion Project. Our MYP Coordinator, Ingrid Turner, and Secondary School librarian, Terry Maguire, will host this information session. You can join the session by clicking on this link. Tuesday 10 November 18:00-19:00 - Understanding ADHD: Why are some students distracted or disruptive, and what can we do to support them? Join the Director of Student Services in a professional conversation as she presents neuroscience research on inattention and ADHD, and interprets the research through the lens of an educator. This session is for parents, educators and other professionals who seek to understand how some children can have laser focus in some tasks and seem very inattentive in others. Are there cortical differences in an ADHD brain? Most of all, what can we do to support them? You can join the session by clicking on this link. Communication We know that this can be a time filled with uncertainties, so please understand that our highest priority is the health and well-being of your children. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected] and [email protected]. Kind regards, Dr. Rick Odum, Secondary Principal Dr. Sheila Seiler, Secondary Assistant Principal College News![]() Congratulations to our first university acceptance of 2020-2021, Harry Johnson. Harry has recently been informed that his application to study for the Bachelor of Arts in International Studies at Universiteit Leiden in The Hague has been successful. This three-year course is taught in English. As a university, Leiden has a strong international focus. It has forged connections with regions in the world, such as Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America, and explores these regions from a wide range of perspectives: political, legal, cultural, environmental, and historical. Leiden’s global expertise is further strengthened by strong links with international partners (NGOs, IGOs, UN organizations) in The Hague, city of international law, peace, and justice. This is the ideal setting for Harry to take a degree in International Studies. The degree program offers the opportunity to study the issues and effects of globalization by allowing students to focus on one of eight world regions. Students develop expertise ranging from proficiency in one of their chosen region’s languages to an in-depth understanding of its culture, history, politics, and economy. Unique to any humanities program, this BA integrates into its curriculum real hands-on experience of working with organizations and businesses. Additionally, students develop a global mindset in an international classroom and benefit from the strong career focus that is integrated into this program, including the culminating PRINS consultancy course. In this course students compete in teams to solve real cases presented by such organizations as Unilever, Workplace Pride, the European Space Agency, and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Founded in 1575, Leiden is one of the leading international research universities in Europe. It has seven faculties and a campus in both Leiden and The Hague. Its motto is Praesidium Libertatis – Bastion of Freedom. The five disciplinary clusters in which Leiden University and the Leiden University Medical Center excel are: • Fundamentals of Science • Life Sciences • Health and Wellbeing • Law, Politics and Administration • Languages, Cultures and Societies The University’s academic partners in the province of Zuid-Holland are Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam. Within Europe, Leiden University works intensively with the other members of the League of European Research Universities. The Times Higher Education World University Rankings places Universiteit Leiden 70th in its 2020 rankings. Comments are closed.
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